What would Deming do? (eBook)

Nurture great organizations and societies guided by W. Edwards Deming's best quotes.
BetaCodex Press, 2023.  2nd, revised and expanded edition

More than 180 quotes by the great W. Edwards Deming - edited by Niels Pflaeging.
You will be able to download the Ebook in PDF format

Anbieter Niels Pfläging | Red42
Preis 6,54 € (zzgl. 7% MwSt.)
Kategorie eBooks
What would Deming Do W Edwards Deming Niels Pflaeging.pdf
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More than 180 great quotes by W. Edwards Deming - carefully curated by Niels Pflaeging
The book also contains photos and a short bio of Deming.

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