In The Ditch Towing
It’s nearly incredible how enjoyable a workplace can be when you empower your employees with the culture and resources to make a difference!
This Company is a Best Practice Example for how people can take some of the concepts in lean and take it to even a higher level than ever intended!
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How to Support Your Supply Chain Operations with Lean Inbound Logistics
A free webinar offered by the Georgia Tech Supply Chain & Logistics Institute and LeanCor Supply Chain Group which discussed why and how to implement lean logistics to support the lean …
The Challenge of Developing Lean Management
This 45-minute video explains the role of Kata in changing an organization’s culture. Practicing the ’starter routines‘ of the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata is a way of learning how to set …
The Toyota Way and the Toyota KATA. Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Liker
This is a new 20-minute video interview with Professor Jeff Liker. In the video Jeff tells a story that amounts to a reflection and some potential ‚pivots‘ for the Lean Community, and concludes …
We need a Change - Around the World
Die ersten Auswirkungen der Klima-Krise machen sich global bemerkbar: Migration hat begonnen, die globalen Durchschnittstemperaturen steigen, Dürren, Hungersnöte und Hitzetode machen Mensch und …
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