How Toyota influenced Scrum. Lean and other roots of Scrum
"Scrum is founded on empiricism and lean thinking. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is observed. Lean thinking reduces waste and focuses on the essentials." (p. 3 of the Scrum Guide)
Scrum for software was directly modeled after "The New New Product Development Game" by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka published in the Harvard Business Review in 1986. Nonaka was hired by the Japanese government after World War II to help analyse why they lost the war.
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Der Product Owner als "WERT-MAXIMIZER"! Erfahre alles über ROI und TCO um ein guter Product Owner zu werden. Lerne Scrum aus erster Hand von Scrum-Events Trainern wie z.B. Jean Pierre Berchez. …
OPEX Manager | OPEX Koordinator | Ausbildung
Das OPEX Manager Training vermittelt Methoden zur Prozessverbesserung und Operational Excellence (OPEX). Teilnehmer lernen Lean Management, agiles Prozess- und Projektmanagement sowie …
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Modul 2.1: Six Sigma as a process and project
This video describes the thinking behind the Six Sigma methology, its principles and general best practices needed to achieve successul outcomes.
Modul 2.3: Define Phase
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