How Toyota influenced Scrum. Lean and other roots of Scrum

How Toyota influenced Scrum. Lean and other roots of Scrum

"Scrum is founded on empiricism and lean thinking. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is observed. Lean thinking reduces waste and focuses on the essentials." (p. 3 of the Scrum Guide)

Scrum for software was directly modeled after "The New New Product Development Game" by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka published in the Harvard Business Review in 1986. Nonaka was hired by the Japanese government after World War II to help analyse why they lost the war.


Veränderungen in Geschäftsprozessen scheitern oft weniger an dem Verständnis von Prozessen oder der Akzeptanz der technischen Abläufe, als an den Menschen, die sich nicht mitgenommen fühlen.