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Modul 2.2: Project Charter
The project charter is a very important document at the beginning of each Six Sigma project as well as accompanying its progress until the end. This video outlines the element of a Six Sigma …
Modul 3.4: Design for Six Sigma
Whilst the main area of use for Six Sigma is the improvement of already existing processes, products & services it can also be used to aim for this high quality from the very beginning of …
LEAN SIX SIGMA – Wie Sie mit Lean noch mehr erreichen können
Stellen Sie sich vor, Ihre Geschäftsleitung stellt anspruchsvolle Ziele auf, die heute unerreichbar scheinen – oder nur mit immensem Aufwand. Wo müssen Sie ansetzen, um die Zielerreichung mit …
Modul 2.3: Define Phase
This video and the following four ones are digging deeping into the five phases of a Six Sigma project as well as the process it consists of. The first phase is all about the understanding the …