Modul 1.1: Introduction & Basics
This video provides an introduction and some basic understanding of what Six Sigma is all about – from a "technical" and historical perspective as well as regarding its business benefits.
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Modul 2.1: Six Sigma as a process and project
This video describes the thinking behind the Six Sigma methology, its principles and general best practices needed to achieve successul outcomes.
Modul 2.3: Define Phase
This video and the following four ones are digging deeping into the five phases of a Six Sigma project as well as the process it consists of. The first phase is all about the understanding the …
Kata: between light and shadow
With its increased complexity and dynamism, the 21st century is demanding more distributed leadership and experimentation, which in turn may be triggering a shift in management. It's a shift …
How Toyota influenced Scrum. Lean and other roots of Scrum
"Scrum is founded on empiricism and lean thinking. Empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is observed. Lean thinking reduces waste and …