Modul 3.1: Analyse Phase
In the third phase the identification of root causes sets in to understand how these influence the outcome and what changes are appropriate.
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Voice of the Customer (DfSS)
Eines der Werkzeuge aus dem Werkzeugkasten von Design for Six Sigma ist Voice of the Customer (Erfassung von Kundenwünschen, -bedürfnissen und -anforderungen). Es kann aber auch unabhängig von …
Das 4P-Modell & die 14 Prinzipien des Toyota-Wegs
Jeffrey K. Liker hat in seinem Buch "The Toyota Way" die 14 Prinzipien des Lean Management beschrieben und diese seinem 4P-Modell zugeordnet. Dabei stehen die vier P für Philosophie, Prozess, …
Weitere Inhalte auf LeanOnlineAcademy
Modul 2.3: Define Phase
This video and the following four ones are digging deeping into the five phases of a Six Sigma project as well as the process it consists of. The first phase is all about the understanding the …
Modul 2.4: Measure Phase
The second phase ensures full understanding of the current reality as the starting point for the improvements to be developed later on.
Modul 3.2: Improve Phase
The improvement phase is the stage where the actual way of working is left in order to reach the initially aimed for goals and results necessary to reap the benefits of the improvement project.
Modul 3.3: Control Phase
The purpose of the final phase is to make the improvements stick beyond the duration of the project and ensures their sustainability.